Monday, September 17, 2007

17 September 2007, Orcalab reports:

Distant calls audible.

These distant G clan resting calls are in Blackfish Sound. There is echo location as well so the whales may be headed toward Blackney Pass. Loud boat has made listening difficult for the time being.
17 Sep 2007 06:01:28 PDT

Distant calls audible.

A small group of whales (at least we saw only 4-5 in the dim morning light) have cleared Blackney Pass for Johnstone Strait. A few G calls as they rounded the corner and now noise from the tug going the same direction.
17 Sep 2007 07:21:39 PDT

No calls but orcas nearby

The calls have stopped for the moment. The group (part of the G17s?) have most likely moved away from Cracroft Point.
17 Sep 2007 07:31:05 PDT

No calls but orcas nearby

It did turn out to be part of the G17s - the G25s - they stalled mid strait off of CP and then came into Blackney Pass (part way) and then turned back toward Johnstone Strait. A group has also been seen further east off the Broken Islands. It may be the A30s although we last saw them heading into Blackfish Sound around 8pm. Recently, nothing would surprise us about the A30s travelling quietly around the area.
17 Sep 2007 11:09:15 PDT

No calls but orcas nearby

The A30s have come west from the beaches. Meanwhile, the G25s turned up unexpectedly and briefly off CP. They must have come through Blackney Pass. They have been quite scattered and elusive all day but hopefully they now have connected with the A30s. They did seem to be "searching" ealier. No further word on the transients who were recently in Johnstone Strait as well.
17 Sep 2007 18:59:01 PDT

No orcas present.

If you are wondering what are not alone. The A30s and the G25s disappeared and we imagine that they went off to the east. However, there were no calls to support this or any other theory. The transients may have turned up once again off the entrance to Blackney, after a trip to the west, around 7:30pm. At least, there was a group of 6 that showed up there. From there, this group, went east along Cracroft Island. By 8pm, they were off the Sophia Islands.
17 Sep 2007 20:56:55 PDT


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