Friday, October 14, 2005

14 October Orcalab reports:

Distant calls audible.

We began to hear distant A1 and G clan calls on Flower Island hydrophone. Yesterday evening the whales remained at the top of Blackfish Sound for quite a while, so we'll see if they decide to come 'in' this time.
14 Oct 2005 01:20:39 PDT

No orcas present.

Obviously they G's and A1's decided not to come east this time. We heard no calls for more than one hour now.
14 Oct 2005 02:46:39 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

Just before 9am we once again heard the "gang" arrive within range of the Flower Island hydrophone. Once again they seemed to have stalled at the top end of Blackfish Sound no doubt enjoying hopefully a good feast of salmon. Yesterday Paul saw the largest group of finning chums he has ever seen. Finning is when the chum rise to the surface exposing their dorsal fin as they move along. It can be quite the sight. very often their heads poke up as well. So far we have heard both the A12s, A36s and the same G clan groups of the last several days. Still waiting to have a peek to confirm just who is out there. The offshores were last seen near Port Hardy. Graeme Ellis of DFO was up in the area and had the day & good conditions to get the ID photos. Very exciting.
14 Oct 2005 09:34:33 PDT

Distant calls audible.

We are not going to get our "peek". The whales decided to go into the Strait via Weynton Passage. We just started to pick up their calls way to the west of CP. Quite a miserable day out there - wind and rain.
14 Oct 2005 10:51:25 PDT

Superb sounds!!

We're listening to the A12s, A36s and several G's on the CP and Parson Island hydrophones. They're foraging in the entrance of Blackney Pass for quite a while already. The weather is rainy and windy again, so it's difficult to identify them.
14 Oct 2005 12:53:11 PDT

Superb sounds!!

The orcas (A12s, A36s, G18s, maybe others)have just travelled north through Blackney Pass & are heading west in Blackfish Sound. We're listening to them on the Flower Island hydrophone.
14 Oct 2005 15:01:34 PDT

No orcas present.

Good evening. It has been quiet for hours ever since the orcas headed off to the west. We had a wonderful surprise this afternoon just as the storm eased off . Many flocks of geese passed overhead. The Snow geese flew over Blackney Pass stark white against the dark green island shapes.
14 Oct 2005 21:48:06 PDT


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